Distal muscular dystrophy

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British pronunciation/dɪstˈal mˈʌskjʊlə dˈɪstɹəfi/
American pronunciation/dɪstˈæl mˈʌskjʊlɚ dˈɪstɹəfi/
Distal muscular dystrophy

a genetic disorder causing progressive muscle weakness, primarily in the hands and feet

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What is "distal muscular dystrophy"?

Distal muscular dystrophy is a genetic disorder that primarily affects the muscles of the arms and legs. It causes progressive muscle weakness and wasting, typically starting in adulthood. This condition can make it difficult to perform tasks that require precise movement, such as gripping objects or walking. Distal muscular dystrophy typically progresses slowly over time and may vary in intensity between individuals. It is caused by changes in genes that are involved in muscle function. Treatment for distal muscular dystrophy focuses on managing symptoms and improving quality of life. This may include physical therapy, assistive devices such as braces, and medications to address specific symptoms. While there is currently no cure for distal muscular dystrophy, ongoing research may lead to new treatments in the future.

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