a fast-paced card game where players try to collect four-of-a-kind cards and quickly grab a spoon from the center of the table, leading to a fun and competitive race
What is "Spoons"?
Spoons is a fast-paced card game usually played by three or more players using a standard 52-card deck. The goal is to be the first to collect four of a kind and grab a spoon from the center of the table. Players take turns drawing cards from the deck and passing one card at a time to the next player. Once a player has four cards of the same rank, they secretly grab a spoon. When one player grabs a spoon, everyone else must try to grab one as well. Since there is always one less spoon than the number of players, the player left without a spoon is out of the game. The game continues until only one player remains. Spoons is a game of speed, observation, and quick reactions.