Breast implant removal

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British pronunciation/bɹˈɛst ˈɪmplant ɹɪmˈuːvəl/
American pronunciation/bɹˈɛst ˈɪmplænt ɹɪmˈuːvəl/
Breast implant removal

a surgical procedure to take out breast implants, performed for cosmetic, medical, or other reasons

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What is a "breast implant removal"?

A breast implant removal is a surgical procedure aimed at removing implants that were placed inside the breasts before for enlargement or repair purposes. It involves making cuts to access the implants and removing them from the breast tissue or chest muscles. This procedure may be chosen by individuals who want to change their breast size, address complications with existing implants, or for personal reasons such as discomfort or changes in lifestyle. Recovery from breast implant removal varies depending on the complexity of the surgery, with patients typically experiencing some swelling and discomfort that goes down after a few weeks.

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