Facial implant

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British pronunciation/fˈeɪʃəl ˈɪmplant/
American pronunciation/fˈeɪʃəl ˈɪmplænt/
Facial implant

a surgical procedure that uses artificial materials to enhance or restore facial contours

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What is a "facial implant"?

A facial implant is a surgical procedure where artificial materials are placed under the skin to improve or change the shape of facial features such as the cheeks, chin, or jaw. These implants are used to improve the shape of the face, create balance between facial features, and improve the overall symmetry of the face. The procedure can help individuals achieve a more attractive facial structure or restore areas that may have lost fullness because of aging or injury. Recovery from facial implant surgery typically involves some swelling and bruising. Most patients are able to return to normal activities within a week or two, while the final results usually become visible after the swelling has gone down.

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