holier than the pope
so extreme and strict in one's adherence to a set of rules, norms, behaviors, etc. that it exeeds what is considered usual
What is the origin of the idiom "holier than the Pope" and when to use it?
The origin of the idiom "holier than the Pope" is not well-documented, but it likely evolved from the concept of religious piety and the comparison of one's perceived moral superiority to that of the Pope, who is considered the highest authority in the Roman Catholic Church. It is used to describe someone who acts or presents themselves as morally superior, excessively pious, or self-righteous, often to the point of being hypocritical or judgmental of others.
If she becomes a nun, she'll dedicate her life to service without being more Catholic than the Pope or looking down on others.
In the past, some religious authorities would accuse certain individuals of being holier than the Pope, questioning their motives.
The self-proclaimed spiritual leader behaves as if he's more Catholic than the Pope, claiming to have unique divine insights.