/wˈeə mˈɛni sˈɛvɹəl dˈɪfɹənt hˈats/
/wˈɛɹ mˈɛni sˈɛvɹəl dˈɪfɹənt hˈæts/
to wear many (different) hats
What is the origin of the idiom "wear many hats" and when to use it?
The phrase "wear many hats" originated in the early 20th century and referred to the practice of wearing different hats to represent different roles or occupations. The term "hat" is used metaphorically to represent different responsibilities or tasks. It is often used in work or professional contexts, where someone may need to perform different tasks or take on different roles in order to achieve their goals.
As a small business owner, he has to wear many different hats, including marketing, sales, and customer support.
The entrepreneur wears several different hats in the early stages of their business, including product development, marketing, and fundraising.
The teacher wears several hats in the classroom, including educator, counselor, and mentor.
Being a jack of all trades can be useful in a small business where employees need to wear many hats.
She wears many hats in her job, including project manager, accountant, and human resources coordinator.
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