Grist for the mill
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British pronunciation/ɡɹˈɪst fəðə mˈɪl/
American pronunciation/ɡɹˈɪst fɚðə mˈɪl/

material or information that can be used or processed, especially to generate further discussion, ideas, or productivity

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grist for the mill definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "grist for the mill" and when to use it?

The idiom "grist for the mill" originates from the practice of grinding grain into flour. Grist refers to the grain that is brought to the mill to be ground, and the mill is the machine used to grind the grain. The usage of the idiom has since expanded beyond its original context and can now refer to any situation where seemingly insignificant information or material can be used to accomplish something significant.

The criticism she received was grist for the mill, as it motivated her to work even harder.
The personal setbacks he faced became grist for the mill of his resilience and determination.
The writer drew inspiration from her life experiences, using them as grist for the mill of her creative process.
The controversy surrounding the new policy provided grist for the mill of public debate.
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Meaning of "Grist for the mill"
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