to reach down
[phrase form: reach]
to extend one's arm or body downward in order to touch or grab something at a lower level
The toddler excitedly reached down to pick up the colorful toy from the playmat.
To pet the small dog, the child had to reach down to its level.
As the student dropped a pencil, the teacher had to reach down to retrieve it from the classroom floor.
to stretch upwards and bring something down from a higher level
Transitive: to reach down sth
The child reached down the cookies from the kitchen counter.
The parent reached down the toy from the high shelf for their child.
The toddler excitedly reached down to pick up the colorful toy from the playmat.
To pet the small dog, the child had to reach down to its level.
As the student dropped a pencil, the teacher had to reach down to retrieve it from the classroom floor.
During the gardening session, she frequently had to reach down to pull out weeds from the soil.

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