to put forward
[phrase form: put]
to present an idea, suggestion, etc. to be discussed
Transitive: to put forward an idea or suggestion
She put forward a new plan to increase sales.
He put forward a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Why do n't you put forward your idea at the next team meeting?
to nominate someone for a particular position
Transitive: to put forward sb
The party put forward Maria as their candidate for the presidency.
I would like to put Samuel forward for the Employee of the Month award.
The association put forward three members for the board of directors.
to display a magical trick or effect
Transitive: to put forward a magic trick
The conjurer put forward a mystifying act, making objects disappear and reappear with a wave of his wand.
The magical duo put forward a collaborative performance, seamlessly blending their skills in a stunning display of illusions.
During the grand finale, the illusionist put forward a daring escape from a locked box suspended in mid-air.
to reschedule an event to an earlier date or time than originally planned
Transitive: to put forward an event
The committee put the deadline forward, so we need to finish our tasks sooner.
The webinar has been put forward to 10 a.m. instead of 2 p.m.
The school put forward the exam timetable, catching many students by surprise.
to adjust a clock or watch to show a later time
Transitive: to put forward a clock or watch
The entire country puts their clocks forward in April to make the most of the daylight.
My phone automatically puts the time forward, so I do n't need to adjust it manually.
Do n't forget to put the car's clock forward when you drive tomorrow.