潜鸟, 潜禽
What is a "dipper"?
A dipper, also known as a water ouzel, is a small aquatic bird found in fast-flowing streams and rivers. It has a stocky build with dark-colored plumage and a white chest. Dippers are skilled swimmers and divers, using their wings to propel themselves underwater in search of prey like small invertebrates and fish. They have adaptations like waterproof plumage and specialized nasal structures for breathing underwater. Dippers are territorial and known for their repetitive songs. They build nests near waterfalls, providing protection from predators and water spray. Overall, dippers are fascinating birds adapted to their unique watery habitats.
舀子, 长柄勺
舀油器, 勺子
What is a "dipper"?
A dipper is a tool that helps hold and manage the liquid needed to mix with paint. It typically has a handle and a small cup or bowl to dip into the liquid. This helps artists control the amount of liquid they use and keeps the paint consistent in texture and flow. Dippers are useful for mixing paint and cleaning brushes, ensuring a smooth application and maintaining the quality of the artwork.
水鸲, 水燕
北斗七星, 大熊座的斗
北斗七星(指小熊座中的七颗星), 斗柄(指北斗星的柄的部分)