曼赛尔, 曼赛尔色彩标注系统
a system of color notation and standardization developed by the American artist Albert H. Munsell in the early 20th century
What is "Munsell"?
Munsell refers to the Munsell Color System, a widely used method for describing and organizing colors. Developed by American artist and professor Albert H. Munsell in the early 20th century, this system arranges colors based on three attributes: hue, value, which is lightness or darkness, and chroma, which is intensity or saturation. The Munsell Color System provides a systematic way to communicate and specify colors, making it valuable in various fields such as art, design, and science. It is often represented in color charts or books, with each color assigned a unique alphanumeric code to accurately identify its position in the system.