Ultimate frisbee
终极飞盘, 飞盘终极
a non-contact team sport played with a flying disc where players score points by catching the disc in the opposing team's end zone
What is "ultimate frisbee"?
Ultimate frisbee, often just called ultimate, is a team sport played with a flying disc, or frisbee. The game is typically played between two teams of seven players each, with the goal of scoring points by catching the disc in the opposing team’s end zone, similar to a touchdown in American football. Players pass the disc among teammates but cannot run while holding it. The game is fast-paced, requiring precise throwing and catching skills, as well as good teamwork and strategy.
We play ultimate frisbee every Sunday at the park.
The championship game of ultimate frisbee is next weekend.
We need more players for our ultimate frisbee team.
We play ultimate frisbee every Sunday at the park.
The championship game of ultimate frisbee is next weekend.
We need more players for our ultimate frisbee team.
Playing ultimate frisbee is a fun way to stay active.
He dove to catch the frisbee during an ultimate frisbee match.