to restrict
限制, 约束
to bring someone or something under control through laws and rules
Transitive: to restrict an action or freedom
The school decided to restrict access to certain areas for student safety.
The government chose to restrict the use of specific chemicals due to environmental concerns.
To maintain order, the organization implemented rules to restrict behavior during events.
限制, 约束
to impose limits or regulations on someone or something, typically to control or reduce its scope or extent
Transitive: to restrict sth
The dietitian recommended restricting sugar intake to improve overall health.
They had to restrict the number of attendees at the event due to safety concerns.
They decided to restrict the use of company resources during the off-hours.
限制, 约束
to confine someone to a specific activity, possession, or place
Transitive: to restrict sb to limited activities or places
The doctor restricted her to a liquid diet for the first few days after surgery.
The manager restricted the team to only one project at a time.
The trainer restricted the athlete to light exercises during recovery.
限制, 管制
to prevent the release or sharing of information with the public or a wide audience
Transitive: to restrict information
The company decided to restrict the details of the project until it was finalized.
They restricted the information about the merger to only a few executives.
The report was restricted to authorized personnel to avoid leaks.