Night owl
夜猫子, 长时间熬夜的人
a person who has a tendency to sleep very late at night
What is the origin of the idiom "night owl" and when to use it?
The idiom "night owl" originates from the behavior of owls, which are nocturnal birds and are most active during the nighttime. The term "night owl" has been in use since the early 17th century and is used to describe individuals who are naturally inclined to be more active and alert during the late evening and nighttime hours, similar to the behavior of owls.
night owl
Night owls often enjoy the tranquility of the late hours, when they can work or read without interruptions.
She has always been a night owl, working on her creative projects late into the night.
The night owl lifestyle allows for peaceful reflection, and some people find it conducive to their personal creativity and productivity.
As a writer, she's most inspired and productive as a night owl, crafting stories when the world sleeps.
Being a night owl, he finds it easier to concentrate and study when the house is quiet.