Tìm kiếm
điệp âm
the use of the same letter or sound at the beginning of the words in a verse or sentence, used as a literary device
What is "alliteration"?
Alliteration is a literary device where the same consonant sound is repeated at the beginning of stressed syllables in closely positioned words. It often creates rhythm, emphasis, or a musical effect in writing. For example, in the phrase "whispering winds wove through the willows," the repeated "w" sound mimics the quiet, calming effect of a gentle breeze moving through trees, enhancing the overall atmosphere of tranquility in the scene. This technique is used to enhance the texture of language, making phrases more engaging and memorable.
Alliteration is a common feature in tongue twisters.
Writers use alliteration to enhance the mood and tone of their writing.
The poet employed alliteration to create a melodic effect in the verse.
Ví dụ
Alliteration is a common feature in tongue twisters.
Writers use alliteration to enhance the mood and tone of their writing.
The poet employed alliteration to create a melodic effect in the verse.
The advertising slogan's alliteration made it memorable and catchy.

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