Tìm kiếm
to burn out
[phrase form: burn]
đốt cháy, hủy diệt hoàn toàn
to destroy completely, especially by fire
Transitive: to burn out sth
The intense heat from the explosion burned out the surrounding vegetation.
The explosion could burn out the entire oil refinery.
The forest fire burned the dry grass out.
tắt, hết nhiên liệu
to stop burning due to a lack of oxygen, fuel, or heat
The torch burned out just as they reached the cave entrance.
If you leave the oven on all night, the pilot light might burn out.
It 's essential to properly ventilate a room with a fireplace to prevent the fire from burning out prematurely.
cháy ra, kiệt sức
to feel very tired from working too much over a period of time
Transitive: to burn out sb
She burned herself out by taking on too many projects at once.
The constant pressure to meet deadlines eventually burned him out.
The demanding workload burned the team out before the project was completed.
cháy hỏng, làm hỏng
to stop working due to damage from heat
Transitive: to burn out a device
She accidentally burned the motor out by overusing the blender.
The intense heat in the engine compartment burned the wiring out.
Leaving the hairdryer on for too long might cause it to burn out.
burn out
một cách khiêu khích, khiêu khích
in a provocative manner