Tìm kiếm
For crying out loud

for crying out loud
Trời ơi!, Thế quái nào!
used to show that one is angry, annoyed, or astonished
What is the origin of the idiom "for crying out loud" and when to use it?
The precise origin of "for crying out loud" is unclear. It is thought to be a minced oath, offering a softened alternative to stronger expressions like "for Christ's sake" or "for God's sake.", dating back to the early 20th century. The idiom is an informal and emphatic expression used to convey frustration, or annoyance. It serves as a mild and non-offensive way for individuals to express strong feelings or emphasize a point in various situations.
For crying out loud, could you please turn down the volume on the TV?
Trời ơi, bạn có thể vặn nhỏ âm lượng tivi lại không?
Forget it, Rory, for crying out loud forget it.
Quên đi đi, Rory, trời ơi!, thế quái nào quên đi.