Tìm kiếm
to pass muster
to be good enough to meet a particular standard
What is the origin of the idiom "pass muster" and when to use it?
The idiom "pass muster" originated in the military during the 16th century. It refers to the practice of inspecting and evaluating soldiers to determine their readiness and eligibility for military service. In this context, "muster" refers to a formal gathering or inspection of troops. Over time, the phrase evolved to have a broader meaning, indicating that someone or something has met the required standards or qualifications, often after thorough scrutiny or examination.
The candidate's resume was impressive and passed muster with the hiring manager, leading to an interview.
The new safety regulations for the construction site were implemented to ensure that all equipment would pass muster during inspections.
The chef's culinary creations were meticulously prepared and passed muster with the discerning food critics.

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