Tìm kiếm
Sàng lọc DNA tự do trong tế bào, Xét nghiệm tiền sản không xâm lấn DNA tự do trong tế bào
What is "Cell-Free DNA Screening"?
Cell-Free DNA Screening (cfDNA screening) is a test done during pregnancy that does not involve any surgery or needles and analyzes small parts of the baby's DNA circulating in the mother's blood. This test is used to evaluate the risk of certain genetic conditions in the baby, such as Down syndrome, trisomy 18, and trisomy 13. By examining this DNA, which comes from the placenta, the test provides information about potential genetic abnormalities. It is typically offered to pregnant women who are at higher risk for these conditions or who want additional information about their baby’s health.
Cell-Free DNA Screening