Tìm kiếm
Zebra crossing
vạch qua đường, băng qua đường
an area on a road that is marked with wide white lines, where vehicles must stop so people could walk across the road safely
He used the zebra crossing to navigate across the busy intersection during rush hour.
The city installed new zebra crossings near the school to improve safety for students.
They painted the zebra crossing with bright, reflective paint to increase visibility at night.
Ví dụ
He used the zebra crossing to navigate across the busy intersection during rush hour.
The city installed new zebra crossings near the school to improve safety for students.
They painted the zebra crossing with bright, reflective paint to increase visibility at night.
She waited at the zebra crossing until the traffic stopped, allowing her to cross the street safely.
The driver slowed down as soon as he saw the zebra crossing, anticipating pedestrians.