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Wise guy
người thông minh, người sắc sảo
an individual who consistently seeks to appear more clever than others in a manner that can be bothersome
What is the origin of the idiom "wise guy" and when to use it?
The idiom "wise guy" originated in the early 20th century in American slang. It was derived from the term "wiseacre," which referred to a person who was perceived as clever or knowledgeable in a sometimes sarcastic or mocking manner. It It can refer to someone who likes to make witty remarks or engage in playful banter. However, depending on the context, it can also imply that the person is being disrespectful or intentionally causing trouble.
He has a reputation for being a wise guy.
OK, wise guy, shut up and listen!
Okay, wise guy, if you're so damned smart, you can tell everyone how it's done!