Tìm kiếm
âm tiết
a word or part of a word, which contains a vowel sound and usually one or more consonants
What is a "syllable"?
A syllable is a unit of sound in a word that typically consists of a vowel sound, often accompanied by consonants. It serves as a building block of speech and can vary in length and complexity. A syllable can be simple, containing just a vowel sound like "a," or more complex, including consonants before and after the vowel, as in "cat." Syllables play a crucial role in the rhythm and flow of language, influencing how words are pronounced and understood. Understanding syllables is essential for reading, writing, and phonetics, as they help in word formation and pronunciation.
Each syllable in the poem must match the rhythm.
The teacher asked the students to count the syllables in each line of the poem.
He emphasized the first syllable of the word " banana. "

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