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to play possum
to pretend as if one is asleep or dead so that others will not bother or attack one
What is the origin of the idiom "play possum" and when to use it?
The idiom "play possum" originated in North America and refers to a behavior exhibited by the Virginia opossum, a marsupial native to the region. When threatened or attacked, the opossum often goes into a defensive mode where it appears motionless and feigns death. This behavior is believed to have given rise to the idiom "play possum." This idiom phrase is used to suggest a strategy of appearing defenseless or vulnerable to deter or confuse potential threats.
When confronted by the bully, Tim decided to play possum and remained silent until the situation defused.
The cunning fox approached the henhouse, but the chickens played possum to avoid drawing attention.
The suspect, realizing the police were closing in, chose to play possum and acted as if he had no knowledge of the crime.

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