Tìm kiếm
meeting of (the) minds
a situation in which two parties are in full agreement with one another
What is the origin of the idiom "meeting of minds" and when to use it?
The idiom "meeting of minds" originated from the concept of two or more individuals coming together and sharing their thoughts, ideas, or opinions. It emphasizes the convergence or alignment of intellectual or mental understanding between people. The phrase signifies a harmonious exchange of ideas, often resulting in agreement or a shared perspective. In other words, it is basically used to highlight the significance of finding common ground or reaching a consensus in discussions or collaborative efforts.
The negotiations were successful as both parties experienced a meeting of minds on the key terms of the contract.
The panel discussion fostered a meeting of minds among the experts, leading to insightful conversations and the exploration of new perspectives.
The brainstorming session encouraged a meeting of the minds within the team, generating innovative ideas and solutions.

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