تلاش کریں
Grated cheese
کدوکش کیا ہوا پنیر, کشیدہ پنیر
cheese that has been shredded or grated into small pieces using a grater or other similar tool
What is "grated cheese"?
Grated cheese refers to cheese that has been finely shredded or grated into small pieces using a grater or a cheese grating tool. It is a convenient form of cheese that is often used for topping or melting purposes in various dishes. Grated cheese comes in different varieties such as cheddar, mozzarella, Parmesan, and more, offering a wide range of flavors and textures to enhance the taste of recipes. It is commonly sprinkled over pasta, salads, pizzas, and baked dishes to add a savory and creamy element, making it a popular ingredient in many cuisines around the world.
grated cheese
I'm bringing my famous baked macaroni and cheese, the secret is lots of grated cheese.
Tacos aren't complete without a generous amount of grated cheese on top.
For added texture, sprinkle in a handful of grated cheese on top of the pasta.
The creamy pasta sauce was made with a combination of milk and grated cheese.
She enjoyed a rich Alfredo pasta, loaded with creamy sauce and grated cheese.
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