تلاش کریں
Hidden agenda
خفیہ ایجنڈا, چھپی ہوئی کاروائی
a secret reason behind a plan or action
What is the origin of the idiom "hidden agenda" and when to use it?
The idiom "hidden agenda" originated from the combination of the words "hidden" and "agenda." It refers to a concealed or secret plan, motive, or objective that someone possesses, typically in a situation where they claim to have different intentions or goals. The phrase implies that the individual has ulterior motives or hidden purposes beyond what they openly express, leading to suspicion or mistrust regarding their true intentions.
The politician 's support for the new policy was questioned, as many believed he had a hidden agenda to benefit his financial backers.
The manager 's sudden change in strategy raised concerns among employees, who suspected there was a hidden agenda behind the decision.
The company 's CEO was suspected of having a hidden agenda when he unexpectedly laid off a significant number of employees.

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