تلاش کریں
Dry spell
What is the origin of the idiom "dry spell" and when to use it?
The idiom "dry spell" originated from the English language and is used to describe a period of prolonged absence or scarcity of something, particularly referring to a lack of rainfall in the context of weather or a lack of success or productivity in other areas of life. The term "dry spell" draws its metaphorical meaning from the concept of a prolonged period without rain, signifying a period of drought or unproductivity.
The farmers suffered greatly during the long dry spell, as their crops wilted due to the lack of rain.
After a series of successful projects, the artist experienced a dry spell where creativity seemed elusive.
The region is currently going through a dry spell, with no rainfall for the past two months.
پدھڑا, خسک
a period that is lacking productivity, profit, success, etc.
After a series of successful albums, the musician faced a dry spell in terms of chart-topping hits.
The agricultural region suffered from a dry spell, leading to poor crop yields and financial losses for farmers.
The company experienced a dry spell in sales, with lower revenue during the off-season.
جنسی تعلقات سے محروم مدت, جنسی تعلقات کی کمی کا دورانیہ
a period of time that has passed without being in any sexual relationship
After his breakup, Nicholas experienced a dry spell and went without any sexual encounters for several months.
Jessica had been going through a dry spell in her love life and had n't been intimate with anyone for quite some time.

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