تلاش کریں
ٹوئسٹر, فریڈکیک
طوفان, بگولہ
a physical game that is played on a large plastic mat with colorful circles, where players take turns spinning a wheel to determine which body part and which circle color to place it on, resulting in a tangled web of limbs and bodies as players contort themselves to avoid falling over
What is "Twister"?
Twister is a physical party game where players must place their hands and feet on colored circles on a large mat according to the instructions given by a spinner. The spinner shows a color and a body part, like "right hand on red" or "left foot on blue." Players take turns spinning the wheel and must move to the corresponding color without falling or touching the mat with any part of their body that is not on the circles. The game becomes more challenging as players are forced to stretch and twist their bodies into awkward positions. The last player remaining balanced wins the game. Twister encourages physical coordination and flexibility.