تلاش کریں
Right of way
گزرنے کا حق, راستے کا حق
the passage consisting of a path or strip of land over which someone has the legal right to pass
راستہ کا حق, پہلے گزرنے کا حق
the legal right for a vehicle or pedestrian to proceed before others in a particular situation
گزرنے کا حق, گزرگاہ کا حق
the privilege of someone to pass over land belonging to someone else
right of way
Pedestrians have the right of way at crosswalks.
The car on the main road had the right of way.
At a four-way stop, drivers should always give the right of way to the vehicle that arrives first.
The hesitant driver cautiously approached the intersection, unsure of the right of way.
At an all-way stop, drivers must yield the right of way to other vehicles before proceeding through the intersection.