تلاش کریں
نقل, تکرار
systematic training by multiple repetitions
تلاوت, پڑھائی سیشن
a regularly scheduled session as part of a course of study
the action of reading something aloud from memory, especially in public
What is "recitation"?
Recitation is the act of reading or repeating something aloud from memory, often in a public setting. It involves delivering a piece of text, such as a poem, speech, or passage, without looking at the written material. Recitation is commonly used in classrooms, performances, or ceremonies as a way to showcase memory, clarity, and expression. This practice helps improve speaking skills and can enhance one's ability to remember and articulate information effectively.
زور زبانی, حفظ کیا ہوا
a written text that is memorized and repeated from memory

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