تلاش کریں
to posit
مفروض کرنا, تحمل کرنا
to propose or assume something as true or factual, serving as the foundation for further reasoning or argumentation
Transitive: to posit sth
In the scientific hypothesis, researchers often posit certain conditions to explore their potential effects on the experiment.
The scientist decided to posit the existence of an undiscovered particle to explain the anomalies in the experimental data.
The physicist posited the existence of parallel universes to explain certain phenomena observed in quantum mechanics.
پیش کرنا, تجویز کرنا
to put forward a theory, idea, or argument for consideration or discussion
Transitive: to posit a theory or argument | to posit that
The scientist posits that gravity is not just a force, but also a curvature of spacetime.
Einstein famously posited the theory of relativity in the early 20th century.
The philosopher will posit a new framework for understanding morality in his upcoming book.
رکھنا, مقرر کرنا
to put or place something in a particular position
Transitive: to posit sth somewhere
The artist posited the sculpture in the center of the gallery for maximum visibility.
The architect posited the building's entrance on the eastern side to capture the morning sunlight.
The chef posited the ingredients on the countertop before starting to cook.
مفروضہ, اجراء
(logic) a proposition that is accepted as true in order to provide a basis for logical reasoning