تلاش کریں
پولیو, پولیو مائلائٹس
What is "polio"?
Polio, short for poliomyelitis, is a highly contagious viral infection caused by the the virus named poliovirus. It mainly affects children under the age of five, but it can also occur in adults. Polio can lead to paralysis, typically of the legs, and in serious cases, it can affect the muscles used for breathing, leading to death. Before the development of the polio vaccine, outbreaks of polio were common worldwide, causing widespread fear and disability. Thanks to vaccination efforts, polio has mostly been wiped out in most parts of the world. However, it still exists in some regions, so vaccination remains essential for preventing its spread. Symptoms of polio can vary from mild flu-like symptoms to more severe paralysis, so early diagnosis and treatment are important for managing the disease and preventing complications.