хейтер, порушник
an individual in an audience who interrupts a performance, typically a comedian or speaker, by making loud or disruptive comments, criticisms, or jeers
Who is a "heckler"?
A heckler is an audience member who disrupts a performance, such as a comedy show or public speaking event, by shouting comments, asking questions, or making interruptions. Hecklers often do this to draw attention to themselves or challenge the performer. While some performers handle hecklers smoothly, turning the interruptions into part of their act, others may find it distracting or disruptive to their performance.
The comedian handled the heckler with grace, cleverly incorporating their remarks into the act and diffusing the situation with humor.
The speaker paused momentarily to address the heckler, politely asking them to refrain from interrupting the presentation.
Despite efforts to maintain order, the heckler persisted in making disruptive comments, prompting security to escort them out of the venue.