What is a "consonant"?
A consonant is a speech sound produced when airflow is partially or completely blocked in the vocal tract. Unlike vowels, which are produced with an open vocal tract, consonants involve some form of closure or narrowing, creating distinct sounds. In the English alphabet, consonants include letters such as "b," "c," "d," "f," "g," "h," and so on. Consonants can be classified based on their place and manner of articulation, such as stops, fricatives, and nasals. Understanding consonants is essential for phonetics, spelling, and pronunciation in language.
The teacher explained that consonants are speech sounds made by obstructing airflow in the vocal tract.
In the English alphabet, there are 21 consonants and 5 vowels.
She struggled with blending consonants at the beginning of words during her reading lessons.
приголосна, літера приголосна
a letter of the alphabet representing a consonant sound
консонантний, відповідний
in keeping
згідний, узгоджений
matching or in agreement with one another
согласний, гармонійний
having a harmonious and pleasing sound, typically involving notes or chords that blend well together
The chord progression was consonant, creating a soothing and pleasant sound.
The consonant intervals between the notes gave the melody a sense of calm.
The piano and violin played consonant harmonies during the duet.

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