марафонець, учасник марафону
a person who participates in long-distance running events typically covering 42.195 kilometers
Who is a "marathoner"?
A marathoner is a person who participates in marathons, which are long-distance running races typically covering a distance of 26.2 miles or 42.195 kilometers. Marathoners train extensively to build endurance, speed, and strength to complete the race. The sport requires physical fitness, mental toughness, and discipline, as running such a long distance can be both physically and mentally challenging. Marathoners often participate in organized events, aiming to finish the race within a specific time or simply to achieve a personal goal. Many marathoners also run for charity or as part of a broader fitness routine.
The marathoner crossed the finish line after hours of running.
During the marathon, the marathoner maintained a steady pace throughout the race.
Every marathoner prepares extensively with training runs and proper nutrition.

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