French vermouth
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British pronunciation/fɹˈɛntʃ vˈɜːməθ/
American pronunciation/fɹˈɛntʃ vˈɜːməθ/

Fransız Vermutu

a type of fortified wine flavored with various botanicals, typically used as a cocktail ingredient or an aperitif
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What is "French vermouth"?

French vermouth is a type of fortified wine made from a blend of white wine and herbs. It is usually 15-20% alcohol by volume and is popular in many countries around the world. French vermouth is usually light yellow and has a sweet, herbal flavor. It is often served neat or with a mixer, and is also used to make a variety of cocktails, such as the Manhattan and the Martini. It is also used in cooking, and is often used to add flavor to sauces and marinades. French vermouth is typically made with white wine, herbs, and sugar, and is usually bottled at 15-20% alcohol by volume.

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