to cut back
[phrase form: cut]
to decrease something such as size or cost, to make it more efficient, economical, or manageable
Transitive: to cut back on sth
Faced with financial challenges, the company had to cut back on its workforce.
Environmental initiatives aim to encourage people to cut back on energy consumption.
In an effort to save money, the family decided to cut back on unnecessary expenses.
to go back in time
Intransitive: to cut back | to cut back to a time
In times of stress, some people may emotionally cut back to earlier, simpler stages of their lives.
The novel 's narrative often cut back to the protagonist's childhood, providing insights into their formative years.
Memories can unexpectedly cut back to moments of joy or sorrow, influencing our present emotions.
to do or consume less of something such as food or activities, usually to improve overall health
Transitive: to cut back on food or activities
Due to environmental concerns, the city decided to cut back on industrial emissions.
Health officials recommended that individuals cut back on their intake of processed foods for better well-being.
To promote a healthier work-life balance, the company decided to cut back on overtime hours.
kesip kısaltmak
to cut off the top parts of a tree, bush, or other plant to either reduce their size or help them grow
Transitive: to cut back a plant
The gardener advised cutting back the rose bushes in early spring to stimulate new growth.
To maintain the hedge 's neat appearance, it 's essential to cut back the overgrown branches regularly.
The orchard owner decided to cut back the fruit trees to ensure a more bountiful harvest the following season.

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