cover (up) for sb
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British pronunciation/kˈʌvə fɔː/
American pronunciation/kˈʌvɚ fɔːɹ/

birisinin hatalarını gizlemek

to protect or hide another person's mistakes or misdeeds, often by providing a false or misleading account of the situation
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to [cover] (up|) for {sb} definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "cover for someone" and when to use it?

The idiom "cover for someone" likely originated from the concept of providing physical cover or protection, which gradually expanded to include the idea of assuming someone's responsibilities or offering support in their absence. The expression symbolizes the act of figuratively shielding or safeguarding someone, ensuring that their actions or absence are managed or concealed effectively. It is often used in work settings when colleagues or teammates provide support and take on tasks to ensure continuity when someone is absent or unable to fulfill their obligations.

cover for sb
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British pronunciation/kˈʌvə fɔː ˌɛsbˈiː/
American pronunciation/kˈʌvɚ fɔːɹ ˌɛsbˈiː/

birinin yerine idare etmek

to fulfill a person's responsibilities while they are sick or on a leave
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to [cover] for {sb} definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "cover for somebody" and when to use it?

The phrase "cover for somebody" originated in the 19th century and referred to the act of taking over someone else's duties or responsibilities temporarily. It is often used in work or professional contexts, where someone may need to cover for a colleague who is on vacation, sick, or otherwise unavailable.

When my coworker fell ill, I covered for him by handling his clients and completing his tasks.
Hey, I'll cover for you.
Can you cover for me this afternoon?
After relying on his coworker to cover for him during his vacation, he felt betrayed when she called in sick, leaving him in the lurch at work.
My friend asked me to cover for him at work, so I called in sick and got him off the hook for the day.
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Meaning of "To [cover] (up|) for {sb}" in Turkish

Meaning of "To [cover] for {sb}" in Turkish
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