Latin honor
an academic distinction awarded based on a student's exceptional performance
What is a "Latin honor"?
A Latin honor is a distinction awarded to students based on their academic performance, often at the time of graduation. The honors are typically awarded in Latin terms and include classifications such as "cum laude" meaning with honor, "magna cum laude" meaning with great honor, and "summa cum laude" meaning with highest honor. These honors are based on the student's grade point average (GPA) or overall academic achievements and serve as a recognition of excellence in their studies. Latin honors are commonly awarded in universities and are valued in both academic and professional settings.
The commencement program listed the names of graduates who received Latin honors, highlighting their outstanding academic achievements.
As a recipient of the Latin honor cum laude, he was invited to join the university's honors society, recognizing his scholarly accomplishments.
Graduating with a Latin honor such as cum laude signifies a commendable level of academic achievement.

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