Ad creep
reklam fırsatçılığı
the gradual and increasing infiltration of advertisements into various aspects of daily life, often extending beyond traditional advertising spaces
What is "ad creep"?
Ad creep refers to the gradual increase in the amount of advertising space or the frequency of ads within a publication, television program, website, or other media platforms. Over time, ads may begin to take up more space or appear more often, sometimes at the expense of content quality or user experience. This can lead to a feeling of excessive commercial presence, as audiences may find the growing amount of advertisements disruptive or intrusive. Ad creep is often driven by the desire for more revenue from advertisers, but it can negatively impact the audience's engagement and satisfaction.
The magazine 's ad creep made it harder to find actual articles among all the ads.
Many people are frustrated with the ad creep on websites; it feels like every click brings up another pop-up ad.
Over the years, the newspaper ’s ad creep has made it seem less like a place for news and more like a catalog.

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