Saltwater crocodile
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British pronunciation/sˈɒltwɔːtə kɹˈɒkədˌaɪl/
American pronunciation/sˈɑːltwɔːɾɚ kɹˈɑːkədˌaɪl/

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the largest living reptile, found in Southeast Asia and Australia, known for its aggressiveness and formidable hunting skills
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What is a "saltwater crocodile"?

A saltwater crocodile is the largest living reptile on Earth and is found in the coastal regions of Southeast Asia, Australia, and the Pacific Islands. It is an apex predator and is known for its powerful jaws, which can deliver a forceful bite. These crocodiles are well adapted to both saltwater and freshwater environments and can often be found in rivers, estuaries, and coastal mangroves. They are skilled hunters, preying on a wide range of animals including fish, birds, and mammals. Due to their size and aggressive nature, saltwater crocodiles command respect and are considered one of the most dangerous species of crocodiles.

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