The penny drop
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British pronunciation/ðə pˈɛni dɹˈɒp/
American pronunciation/ðə pˈɛni dɹˈɑːp/

jetonu düşmek

used to say that a person has finally understood or realized something
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the penny [drop] definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "the penny drops" and when to use it?

The idiom "the penny drops" is believed to have originated from the concept of old mechanical slot machines or coin-operated devices. In such machines, a penny or coin would physically drop into a slot or mechanism to activate or unlock a particular outcome. The phrase represents the moment when the coin drops and triggers a realization or understanding in a person's mind. It is commonly used when someone finally comprehends a concept, recognizes the truth about a situation, or perceives the implications of a statement or action.

It took a while, but when he finally connected the information he had been gathering, the penny dropped, and he realized the extent of the problem.
The team had been struggling to come up with a solution, but during the brainstorming session, a brilliant idea struck one of them, and the penny dropped.
As I explained the complex concept to her, I could see the moment when the penny dropped and she finally understood.
As I recounted the story, I saw the expressions on their faces change, and one by one, the penny dropped as they realized the truth.
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Meaning of "The penny [drop]" in Turkish
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