Phat kaphrao
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British pronunciation/fat kafɹaʊ/
American pronunciation/fæt kæfɹaʊ/

phat kaphrao

a classic Thai dish made with minced meat stir-fried with Thai holy basil, garlic, chili, and other seasonings
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What is "phat kaphrao"?

Phat Kaphrao, also known as Pad Kra Pao, is a popular Thai dish that consists of stir-fried minced meat, such as chicken, beef, or pork, with Thai holy basil, garlic, and chili peppers. The dish is usually served with steamed rice and a fried egg on top. Phat Kaphrao has a savory and slightly spicy flavor, and is often considered a comfort food in Thailand. The key ingredient of this dish is the Thai holy basil, which adds a distinct flavor and aroma to the dish. Phat Kaphrao is a common street food in Thailand and can be found in many food stalls and restaurants throughout the country.

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