one man's loss is another man's gain
birinin kaybı bir başkasının kazancıdır
used to imply that resources and opportunities are finite, and that one person's loss can create an opportunity for someone else to succeed
What is the origin of the proverb "one man's loss is another man's gain" and when to use it?
The proverb "one man's loss is another man's gain" appears to have its origins in English folk wisdom, with its earliest recorded use dating back to the 17th century. It highlights how the gains and losses in life are often interconnected, reminding that misfortune for one can lead to opportunity for another. This saying serves as a reflection of how circumstances are constantly changing and how success and failure are part of a larger, shared process.
The entrepreneur saw an opportunity in the failing business, recognizing that one man's loss is another man's gain, and bought the company at a bargain price.

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