wrap sb (up) in cotton wool
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British pronunciation/ɹˈap ˌɛsbˈiː ˌʌp ɪn kˈɒtən wˈʊl/
American pronunciation/ɹˈæp ˌɛsbˈiː ˌʌp ɪn kˈɑːʔn̩ wˈʊl/

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to protect or treat someone or something in an overly cautious or overprotective manner
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to [wrap] {sb} (up|) in cotton wool definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "wrap one in cotton wool" and when to use it?

This idiom is thought to have originated in the 19th century. It is believed to be a reference to the way that cotton wool is used to protect delicate objects. This idiom is used to express the idea of being overly protective towards someone, often out of concern or love. It can refer to physical or emotional protection, indicating a desire to shield someone from any negative experiences or hardships. The phrase "wrap one in cotton wool" is often used in the context of family relationships. It typically refers to the actions of parents or caregivers who are overly protective of their children.

The company's strict policies seemed to wrap employees up in cotton wool, limiting their ability to make decisions and take calculated risks.
Growing up in a small, sheltered town, he felt like the community was trying to wrap him up in cotton wool, preventing him from experiencing the real world.
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Meaning of "To [wrap] {sb} (up|) in cotton wool" in Turkish
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