Like a dream
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British pronunciation/lˈaɪk ɐ dɹˈiːm/
American pronunciation/lˈaɪk ɐ dɹˈiːm/

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used to refer to something that happens without any problems or better than one could have imagined or hoped for
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like a dream definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "like a dream" and when to use it?

The idiom "like a dream" draws its origin from the concept of dreams and the ethereal, imaginary experiences they entail. The phrase is used to describe something that is exceptionally pleasant, perfect, or ideal, resembling the characteristics of a dream. It suggests a state of bliss or enchantment, often used to emphasize the extraordinary or magical nature of the subject.

This sports car holds the road like a dream.
The luxurious spa retreat offered massages and pampering treatments that left guests feeling relaxed and rejuvenated, like a dream.
The new chef's knife cuts like a dream, making food preparation a breeze.
The newlyweds exchanged vows under a starry sky, surrounded by twinkling lights, creating a wedding ceremony that was like a dream.
The ballerina's graceful movements on stage made it seem like she was floating, dancing like a dream.
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Meaning of "Like a dream" in Turkish
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