to run a tight ship
düzenli ve disiplinli yönetmek
to control and manage an organization, group, business, etc. in a manner that is very strict, efficient, and effective
What is the origin of the idiom "run a tight ship" and when to use it?
The idiom "run a tight ship" is believed to have originated in the maritime industry in the 19th century. This idiom is typically used to describe a person, organization, or situation that is well-organized, efficient, and disciplined.
By the time they left the company, they had been running a tight ship for years and had earned a reputation for being disciplined and efficient.
She runs a tight ship at the office and expects everyone to meet their deadlines.
When he was in charge, he ran a tight ship and was able to turn the company around.
By the time they left the company, they had been running a tight ship for years and had earned a reputation for being disciplined and efficient.
She runs a tight ship at the office and expects everyone to meet their deadlines.
When he was in charge, he ran a tight ship and was able to turn the company around.
They have been running a tight ship at the factory and have been able to increase productivity.

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