put the cat among the pigeons
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British pronunciation/pˌʊt sˈɛt θɹˈəʊ ðə kˈat ɐmˌʌŋ ðə pˈɪdʒənz/
American pronunciation/pˌʊt sˈɛt θɹˈoʊ ðə kˈæt ɐmˌʌŋ ðə pˈɪdʒənz/

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to cause trouble or upset by saying or doing something that brings conflict into a peaceful situation
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What is the origin of the idiom "put the cat among the pigeons" and when to use it?

The idiom "put the cat among the pigeons" originated in the 1800s, when pigeon racing was a popular pastime. Pigeon racers would often keep their pigeons in dovecotes, which were large enclosures with many nesting boxes. If a cat was put in a dovecote, it would cause chaos among the pigeons, as they would scramble to escape. This expression is now used to describe any action that causes trouble or disruption in a group of people. It is often used in a negative sense, but it can also be used in a more positive sense, to describe an action that is necessary to break the status quo and bring about change.

The politician's controversial remarks put the cat among the pigeons in his party.
The new CEO's radical changes to the company's culture threw the cat among the pigeons.
The young entrepreneur's innovative ideas set the cat among the pigeons in the established industry.
The whistleblower's revelations put the cat among the pigeons in the government.
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Meaning of "To [put|set|throw] the cat among the pigeons" in Turkish
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