break the ice
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British pronunciation/bɹˈeɪk ðɪ ˈaɪs/
American pronunciation/bɹˈeɪk ðɪ ˈaɪs/

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to make two or more strangers get comfortable with each other and engage in a conversation
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What is the origin of the idiom "break the ice" and when to use it?

The idiom "break the ice" originates from the custom of ships breaking through ice formations in colder regions to create a navigable path for other vessels. In a figurative sense, this expression is used to emphasize the idea of making a situation more comfortable and approachable, much like breaking through the initial barriers of ice.

He opened his set with a quick gag to break the ice and set the tone for the rest of the performance.
In a new workplace, team-building activities are often used to break the ice among colleagues.
He told a lighthearted joke to break the ice at the beginning of the meeting.
Sometimes a simple smile and a friendly greeting are all it takes to break the ice with a stranger.
At the party, she played a game that encouraged guests to interact and break the ice.
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Meaning of "To [break] the ice" in Turkish
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