In a tight corner
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British pronunciation/ɪn ɐ tˈaɪt kˈɔːnə/
American pronunciation/ɪn ɐ tˈaɪt kˈɔːɹnɚ/

zor durum

in a difficult situation, particularly one that is not easy to deal with or get out of
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in a tight corner definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "in a tight corner" and when to use it?

The idiom "in a tight corner" originates from the concept of being in a confined or restricted space where movement is limited, making it difficult to escape or maneuver. It is used to describe a situation where someone is facing a challenging, difficult, or problematic circumstance with limited options and little room to maneuver.

During the negotiation, it became clear that they were in a tight corner, with neither side willing to compromise.
Faced with an impending deadline and unexpected issues, the project team found themselves in a tight corner.
After making a serious mistake at work, he was in a tight corner, uncertain of how to rectify the situation.
The company was in a tight corner due to a sudden drop in sales and needed to come up with a quick solution.
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